the bloody nerve!!!
im happy.. Mr Nice guy ha been upgraded to Mr awesome guy in my eyes... so much so, that he came home to meet my family yesterday... (yes, it is that serious) and then, this morning, as i start cjhecking my emails, and facebook etc, i get a 'friend request' from none other than .... yep. you guessed it.. The loser guy!!! i know that it shouldnt bother me.. i shouldnt care, and i should perhaps just ignore teh request, but im pissed off!! what kind of fool does he take me for? it ended months ago! the last two times that he smsed me, i ignored it, and he still has the freaking nerve to search for me on facebook, and WANT to be my friend???
i want to send him a really sweet.. but nasty message, and him to go and ** himself, but i dont know what to say without sounding like I care.. he didnt know that i knew that he was seeing that other girl at the same time as me, and i want to ket him know, that i did know, and i dont appreciate being taken for a fool.. arggh, i wish someone could just hit the arrogrant prick!!! and to top it all.. he sends the request with the same pic that he sent to me (by email) before we met ? and the worse of it: (im still trying to figure out if its just coincidence or if he did this on purpose) but, i met him exactly one yr ago-yesterday!!!
p.s. any ideas on how i could reply to the loser?
So....that's where you've been!!! With Mr. Awesome guy...I'm so happy for do we now believe in Serendipity again?
Regarding Loser Guy....
You really don't give a shit what this guy thinks do you? Tell him you're very involved with a guy 20 times his superior, tell him that he thinks he is Mr Stud by having two chicks on the line at the same time, but actually he is Mr Spud because you knew all along, and then finally tell him to jump off a cliff and you don't want to hear from him again. Ever.
I'm so glad I'm not loser guy....
concerning loser guy
i prob wont suggest what SG says - althoug it would be much more fun. i'd just ignore the bastard, because by replying. youre opening the door for further correspondence. cut contact, thats the MJ way. works for me most of the time.
eventually he'l get bored and sucker some other chick. yikes - i kinda put my foot into it hey :D Treat him like a mild rash or a starving ethiopian - just ignore
just a suggestion - can you disable word verification
SG: not serendipity exactly, and was infused with doubts and concern... but i then realised that i was just scared of letting go (like u are) and i gave in...
as for the suggestion on loser guy, i think im going to cope and paste what u have written and send him the msg, that should get the point across hey?
MJ: if i do what SG suggests, and he replies. i can always send an email and say 'so i see u havent taken my advice as yet, shame, pity for humankind lol...
btw: i wouldnt mind disabling word werification if i knew how to :( :(
I agree with MJ.
My loser-guy did the same thing to me...I ended up having more arguments with him and it didn't end very well.
The past kept being brought up and let's say I gained nothing from "Adding Loser as a Friend".
The greatest satisfaction I had was when I told him, "I'm sorry, I'm engaged now and I don't want to talk/know to your sorry ass anymore".
Well something like that ;)
Don't accept him - reject him and then he'll feel torn because you didn't accept him.
Accept him, make sure he sees that you accepted him...(leave it on for a week) and then delete him.
He'll wonder "WTF?" beautifully :)
BTW...I am sooooo glad you have taken it to another level with Mr AWESOME!
I once got accused of cheating. It sucks especially when you know you should have if this was the flak you gonna go through. Rubster, if you still have feelings for him, even hate, then reply. But you obviously dont. So treat his messages like those spam mails. Dont ven bother reading it. Come on, waste that energy on Mr. Awesome instead.
Cheaters should die slow painful deaths, like having to listen to untalented hip hop. For hours.
You said prick.
Love and peace
The OH
Yay! u'v posted after ages and it's good news. Happy 4 u. I wud also just ignore. Or block.
Just ignore him ruby
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