Monday, October 02, 2006

I am so upset right now!!!

I am so so frustrated right now, i just need to vent ...

I came to campus at half past five this morning, and started my experiment. Now, i was running four experiments today, and the product of each one, is carried over into the next.. at nine I started the second experiment, i.e. isolating total RNA from the plants (RNA is the coding material for your proteins etc.) and this went well, got lots of RNA (120 ug) so i was YAY.. and carried on with the third exp. at about 11am... Which was to extract the mRNA from the total ... (mRNA is messenger RNA and these little pieces of crap, code for amino acids) and thats when it all went wrong... i did the entire experiment, and at the end, when i had to work out how much product i have, i get a negative value.. so, i re-read my samples, and then i get a minute amount.. I need between 0.5-2.5 ug .. I HAD 0.003 ug.. there is no way in hell that this will work for the next experiment...
so, the meaning of all this is that I AM SCREWED!!! I have no more plant material to start with, I only have reagents enough for one reaction in the experiment that follows after mrna isolation, and i have a meeting with my supervisor and co-supervisor on wednesday mornging to discussion who we should select as my external maker for my dissertation... Dissertation my foot!!! Im not going to finish on time, becuase, i dont even know where im going wrong... I have troubleshooted to hell and back, there is nothing that I am doing wrong (i am 120% sure of that) and the things are still not working!!! I am so upset, i cant even cry anymore, my tears are all on strike !!!!!!


Anonymous said...

it seems as if you need a hug.....
inshallah it will be ok. somehow. although i'm not sure how.

Muhammad said...

"Verily Allah is with those who patiently persevere..."

Don't stress Ruby, things could be far worse, I'm sure of that. Just Make Dua.



Bilal said...

believe me- things could really be worse...

Ruby :) said...

Thanks guys, please make dua that my plants grow quickly!!!

zee said...

breathe ruby breathe.... :)