Wednesday, June 28, 2006

for a good laugh!!! will find out what thinks of you, your friends or anything! Search for your name here or for a good laugh check out some of the popular Googlisms below.

go to, and type in ur name...


Anonymous said...

apparently, i'm an attending physician certified by the american board of family practice and the college of family physicians of canada.

i'm also the field commander, blind, and concerned (whatever that means ;)

fascinating stuff... :)

Anonymous said... dear name:

fatima is still a secret

hilarious ones:

fatima is a part of my body

fatima is picked up by a family of rope makers

the best one:

fatima is certainly one of the greatest

there's so much, i'm gonna put it on my blog.
kept ROFL in my office for 10 minutes.

Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...

apparently 'google doesnt know enough about me yet', should i feel appeased or slighted?

Ruby :) said...

Saaleha: i wouldnt be too upset if i were u , but did u try it with ur name AND surname, cos then it give any info... try ur first name alone.. or a nick name n see what comes up!

zee said...

def have to check this out :)