why serendipity?
hi there
i have not decided what my blog is gonna be about as yet, but i feel that i should give an explanation of my address as the title of this blog.
okay, its not only the movie that i loved, but I have always believed that every person has a soul-mate, that one person that has been sent to this earth for u alone. I know this might sound strange to some, and as the years have passed me by, i have changed my mind-set slighty, but i still strongly hold onto the whole idea of a soul-mate except, I am now convinced that there may be more than one specific person for each person out there... i.e. many pieces of a puzzle, and the first first one that fits, is the lucky one.
And thats where serendipity comes in. The dictionary's definition of serendipity is :
"good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries" but, i think that luck has nothing to do it. My belief is that every person is meant to meet their soul mate/s at a specific point in their lives, those that do, are fortunate but they may/may not chose to spend their lives with these souls.
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