Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The day after the day after the date ...

Oh my freaking word..... THE date was the most excrutiating, horrible, horrendous, dull, boring, serious, terrible.,.. did i mention Horribly boring? ...

needless to say, this dude was NOT my type, and regardless of what the friend that set me up siad, he WAS NOT my type.. I felt absolutely NO attraction, interest, admiration towards him what-so-ever.... i was merely THERE !!!

okay, maybe im being a terribly cruel B**** , but he was soooo unexciting,that when i tried to make a joke, he didnt respond. He just sat there, and changed the topic (into a critically serious one) in less than a minute... By serious i mean... app. he doesnt just watch ANY movie, becuase that is just a waste of time, only movies by Acclaimed directors are worth watching... HA !!!

Aside from his character, his dress sense has to be questioned.. AND THE SHOES (WTF!@!!! need i say more) (as u many have figured by now, I have a thing for shoes!!!) and to top it, as if the package wasnt bad enough, he had a really squeaky voice as well.... so, I tried and succeeded in cutting the "coffee" short, by saying that i had to meet up with friends soon, and left him sitting in the dull coffeeshop (his choice , not mine) to finish his milkshake, and walked away as fast as my legs could carry me...

Later in the evening, he sent me an sms, saying that he enjoyed the coffee...
( 1: he had milkshake, i had tea... no coffee was involved...
2: does that mean he enjoyed the drink/ the company/ or both
3: I didnt know how to reply, since... I didnt enjoy the company, and due to my flu, I drank the tea, but my tastebuds are currently on respite, so, i didnt taste it, hence, couldn't really say i enjoyed it now could I .. cos, even though I may be horrible, cruel and A B**** of note, i do not lie....

But, i hope that he got the message ..i.e. That i would NOT like to repeat the experience.. ever, ever again!!!

following this meeting, I contacted the 'friend" (and i use the term loosely) and told if she ever dares to set me up with one of her boyfriends "retarded" friends ever again, she will lose THE most valuable thing in her life.. My FRIENDSHIP>>> hope that she too, has got the point....


Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...

the only thing positive about blind-dates is the potential entertainment value.
we could probably start a whole other blog just off this material.

Anonymous said...

i don't know what to say.
i feel for you.
that's terrible.

well at least on my first ever blind date ..ok more like a meeting (As i wasnt interested romantically with him)....i laughed uncontrollably and managed to dribble espresso down my chin.
and another well "meeting"...i ran away from the guy and he managed to get his cellphone stolen when he came after me....
long story.

someday i will go through it all.

Anonymous said...

saaleha is right.
i think we should.
turn it into a book and we could make money off it! (ok, i'm currently strapped for cash at the moment as my monthly income has been stopped..here's to living off daddy again! bleh!)

Bilal said...

blind dates.
damned if you do.
damned if you dont.

zee said...

ooooo---leetle bit stressed are we?:)

Ruby :) said...

fatima and saaleha: Im am seriuosly considering writing a book, but since Saaleha is the journalist, mayb she can write it fro me... I will go 70:15:15 with u guys on the returns of the sales(70 for me, since i will be needing psych. counselling after the disasters...) what say u guys?

Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...

we'll talk numbers. remember, i've had my share of trauma too :)

Anonymous said...

i say it's a great idea.
but the numbers..hmm.

Ruby :) said...

okay, im tired, and sick of work right now, but i will be generous.. how about 60: 20; 20.. thats my final offer ladies ...

Ruby :) said...

I have about 15 stories to tell, so, its gonna be a nice, thick book. hey, mayb we will become the Bridget Jones and Carrie Bradshaw of the future... (and the indian version)