Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Rainy Days

Approx. Reading time : 1 min 56 seconds

I got up early this morning, realised the weather was really bad outside, and went back to sleep. I eventually walked out the door on my way to campus at 8:00 am. I only live about 7 minutes away from uni. so, i was driving along merrily, until i came to Siemens Hill (on symons road....) anyway, it is a known fact, that whenever it rains, the guys that run tow-a-way services always put oil on the roads (mean B******s that they are, so that people lose control of their cars, and down sliding down the road... so, whenever it rains, i go down really, really slowly... as i was today, but, there was a car in front of me, and there were two tow-trucks on either side of the road, but the one guy was standing in the middle of the road, and signalling for everyone to stop (for no apparent reason) , so, the schmuck in front of me gives dead brakes, and stops, and i swerve to the right to avoid going into him, and i slammed into the truck on that was on the right.. got off the car.. (i dont handle stress and anxiety well, and panic quickly, so i was shaking a bit) the guy gets into his truck and drives away....

The front bumper is scratched all the way on the right, and my wheel and mag-rim is damaged, and I think the wheel alignment is affected, so, guess i will have to sort it all out tomorrow...

Thankfully, I am okay!!!


Anonymous said...

i am guessing that it's by the brixton tower...right? (i can't remember that well).
those "vultures" (tow truck nuisance drivers) are nasty!
they really cause more accidents than anything else.

i'm glad that you're alright though.

zee said...

tst tst, women drivers.

Ruby :) said...

hey zee.. it was once again NOT MY FAULT... These drivers just sense that i am behind them and give dead-brakes, so naturally I have to try and avoid going straight into them right?

Ruby :) said...

oh, and fatima.. Thats the right place that you thinking off.. and since wednesday, i have been taking an alternate route to campus..

Shafinaaz Hassim said...

the oil story is not a myth unfortunately.. other places to watch out for are:
Smith str. offramp - i kno a guy who wrote off his beemer there :(
and, the bridge coming out of fordsburg with the trains running overhead.. a gruesome incident occurred there while we were on campus.. some cars chose to go to akhals and one tragic mishap cost a guy his life!

take care