Monday, August 14, 2006

Im now connected .... constantly

Approx. reading time: 20 seconds

About two months ago, my lap-top was stolen :) :) :)

Today, i got a new one, so, i will now, hopefully be able to post everytime I think of something important, and not forget everything that i want to say (as the case has been) , so, in future, topics may be vaster than just boys, boys, boys...


Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...

isheeta - hey, it's South Africa, its how we handle the issue of wealth-redistribution:)
ah, i kid.

ruby - i like reading about boys, boys, boys :)

Ruby :) said...

well, i will try to keep u entertained with all my woes about boys, but, maybe i should try and add more intellectual topics as well so i dont sound like a dumb-blonde/brunette ALL the time and for the male readers so that they don't get bored!!

Anonymous said...

laptops are wicked :)
can take them anywhere.
(and they makes you feel clever):P