Friday, August 25, 2006

Evil intent

Approx. reading time: 3 minutes 20 seconds

I learnt something yesterday, that brought me to tears and sorrow grew in my heart. I am very dissillusioned and I have just found out how horribly cruel and evil a person can be, to the extent that they dont care how they hurt people, or how much hurt, and pain they might cause to their friends/family/ relatives, their main evil intention being to destroy any love or joy in others lives so that these other people can be as unhappy as they are..

I know that this may not make alot of sense anyone that reads it, but, i just need to vent, and I cannot go into alot of detail, but i need to just say it, so, i might be vague in this discussion...

There is this person, that has caused so much of grief, and sorrow in my friend's life, causing the love of her life to just abandon her, and yesterday she found out the true reason... Her cousin was the invisible evil behind the scenes, and did all in her power to destroy their relationship...

I cannot grasp the fact that a person can be that wicked, disgustingly cruel to someone that is your blood relation, someone that you have grown up with and known all your life... Is this what the world is coming to? Is the chase of material things in this world now extending to emotions, feelings and personal contentment, so that one must always be better than the next, and if You have an unhappy life, why should another person know what it feels like to be happy/ have a smile on their face? I AM DISGUSTED...

I know, and I understand all about Takdeer, but what confuses me right now (Fatima this is the stuff i was telling you about) is this situation that i have mentioned. Was it in my friend's takdeer to go through all of this or have actions of her cousin changed her Takdeer? CAn Takdeer (destiny) be changed? When does one accept everything that comes there way, any HOW MUCH patience must you have to be so accepting with everything (bad especially) that happens to you in your journey of life.. I know we put our faith in Allah, and understand that all that happens is in His Hands, and He will only give you what you deserve (so i may be coontracdicting my thoughts) but What happens when You run out of SABR(patience) ??? and what if Sabr is just not enough???


Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...

i sense your despair and i relate to it.

This notion of Fate has been spinning me around too.

Anonymous said...

vent ruby...vent all you want!
people are nasty.
i've been through, i suppose, a similar situation in the past with a supposed-close friend.
i blame it on an evil that we call "jealousy".
i don't understand why people get jealous and nasty when another person is happy.
i always think of that rhyme, "jealousy makes you nasty and nasty makes you UGLY".

someone once told me that takdeer is our destiny, but it's the power of dua that can change how our takdeer works out.

rah* said...

think it can't really be changed, but we can choose to change the way we see things. You know like one sucky thing happens, but then we reverse it by doing one really nice thing to make someone else happier than we feel now...

dunno if that makes sense.

Mohamed Karolia said...

I really feel for your friend. Most People in my opinion are inherently nasty and malicious. Blood means nothing these days and it just makes it easier for them to stab you in the back.

I agree that Dua can change Takdeer but whats written is written and when one door closes others open. The hard situations that face us are there to teach us and to make us better people.
Forgive me if this is too bold but strickly speaking the actions of her cousin were in her takdeer to begin with Its just one of lifes tests.

Shafinaaz Hassim said...

hey there

lifes meant to be this reel of lessons as iv often said before.. and i agree with fatima and k-man :- taqdeer is written but the power of dua and determination is quite potent 2.

its difficult to imagine ppl to be capable of evil intent that we would never dare consider ourselves! thats why soapies seem so far-fetched to us.. welll gUesS wot?! they're inspired by such daringly eviL ppl from within our midst! makes u grow up, a little wary of the ppl close to u..
but iv also found that it makes u realise, that human beings are faulty to a great degree and its actually okay not to place too much expectation on the majority :)

you can take responsibilty 4 wot u do, and rely on that greater Power watching over u!

"For when the whole world turns against you, keep your eyes on the Friend" (J.Rumi.)

Shafinaaz Hassim said...


The topic of Sabr, as in the case of Taqdeer, requires a post of its own, if not an entire blog :P

I will be sure to blog about this Patience issue in the near future, especially since my soon to be published manuscript contains a chapter dedicated to the Sabr debate. Consider the fine line:
Sabr, as a tool for spiritual growth on Lifes Path.. vs Sabr as a tool of social control, and one that maintains cultural expectations that deny women (and men) numerous other progressive opportunities.

Bilal said...

sorry to hear you have witnessed evil once again. may God grant you patience...

while i agree with all the above comments, a good way to understand Taqdeer is as follows:

God is not constrained by time and space the way we understand it.
If you picture time as a triangle, with A, B & C being the different points; with A being the beginning of time and B the end on that line. Point C is the point above, in a way 'over looking' the timeframe A to B.
God is at point C- He already knows what happened and what is going to happen- not because He has chosen for us and it is written in stone, but because He already knows how events will play out.
Hence, ALL our actions, prayers, etc will dictate how our lives play out...
[Hope that comes out as clear as I understand it]